Tuesday, November 15, 2005

SMEs-where the talent is

Historically, the aggregate revenue generated by SMEs in offshore outsourcing sector has always been much more than the so called blue chip players.

When veteran and experienced professionals, after seeing their respective success and contribution under the umbrella of big corporate start rethinking why not sail of our own — SMEs are born. Therefore at the initial stages, the professionals who have proven success stories behind them directly give hands, contribute and try to gather similar minded professionals on their newly formed platform and that’s how the story goes.

The most nascent and innovative stage in the life of a SME is probably the first three years. The fortunate groups of SMEs which click with their offerings and services in the initial years gradually grow. The left over group, with the compulsion for generating revenues, starts frequently switching their offerings to discover the matching ones to which the market may finally respond. Unfortunately, through this compulsive process their innovativeness is worn out. They take the course of survival being completely oblivious of what they wanted to bring in the market. This way perhaps we have been losing many talented groups of SMEs and probably many innovative concepts and technologies that never see the light of the day.

Perhaps a collaborative platform might have been the answer. Complimentary partnering under one umbrella would have allowed SMEs to maintain their own niche and at the delivery end the customer could have been the final beneficiary.

All said end done, SMEs are where the talents live and let the flame of talents show the ways to tomorrow’s technology.


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